
Dimitar Lukanov™ is a registered Trademark with United States Patent and Trademark Office.

All content on this website represents Dimitar Lukanov’s original works and ideas of art and is protected by copyright law. Using visual/text material from in any print, media and/or electronic format without the knowledge and the express written permission by the artist is violation of international copyright laws. Federal copyright law prohibits unauthorized reproduction by any means.

Artwork or portions thereof created by Dimitar Lukanov and published in any book or other publication or media outlet are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist. Those images are not in the public domain unless otherwise indicated and their appearance/inclusion granted by the artist. Unless approved by artist no visuals from this website, and/or other location/venue where Dimitar Lukanov art is present and seen shall be reproduced, broadcast, transmitted, displayed, manipulated, used for other work, or altered and employed whether for personal, public, private, for-profit or non-profit purposes. web design concept by Dimitar Lukanov.
Photos by Dimitar Lukanov, Herve Fabre and Didier Nobels.

Copyright © 2021 Dimitar Lukanov